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  • Project: ARTspace (New York, NY) (map)

Exhibited as part of Making Progress, curated by Liz Atzberger and Kevin Curran, a group exhibition featuring works by Peter Fend, Neil Freeman, Kyle Hittmeier, Christopher K. Ho, Occupy Museums, William Powhida, Brittany Prater, School of Apocalypse, Adam Simon, and The Institute for Wishful Thinking, represented by Maureen Connor, Tommy Mintz and Sheko Kirby.

In light of growing cultural, ecological and technological phenomena that challenge basic assumptions about human existence, School of Apocalypse examines the connections between creative practice and notions of survival. SoA offered a garment-making workshop to consider how garments and insignia are connected to the process of defining new contexts for inquiry and applying broader levels of experience to intellectual investigation. Their collective making, open to the public, served as a pretext for discussion on the themes of survival, creativity, and imagined futures. Garments were made in the style of a shelter- half, capable of serving as workwear, school uniform, flag, and easily strung up to make a tent.

Modular Design

Garments were designed to be modular, made to fit one of five different patterns, so that they could fit together in endless combinations.

July 13

How Will Art Survive Us?

August 30

Making Progress