Newburgh Slow School

Best Praxis/Eco Practicum, Newburgh Slow School (December 10, 2017). Dialogic performance art at the Land and Time in Atlas Studios, Newburgh, NY.

Newburgh Slow School was a 6-hour multi-part discussion event hosted by Eco Practicum in Newburgh, New York’s Atlas Studios on Dec 10, 2017 as part of the Land and Time exhibition organized by Momenta Art and Eco Practicum. The event brought together a diverse range voices and perspectives—artists, real estate developers, historians, activists, and others—to share a space decorated to closely resemble Best Praxis collaborators Eugenia Manwelyan and Tal Beery's living room, and to discuss the past, present, and future of Newburgh. Each hour, new invited guests were introduced to act as thematic anchors. These guests prompted discussions about themes on which they have expertise and grounded big-picture ideas in real-world experiences of living and working in Newburgh. The event was free, and the visitors were invited to enter and leave the conversation as they pleased. Eugenia Manwelyan and Tal Beery held space for deep, contentious, and revealing dialogue on multiple themes, including:

  • The history of urban renewal and racism in the city of Newburgh

  • The use and value of Newburgh’s history today

  • Gun violence in the city of Newburgh

  • The role of art in social change

  • Community organizing to end poverty

  • The non-profit industrial complex

  • Real estate development in Newburgh

Invited speakers included

  • Johanna F. Yaun, Orange County Historian

  • Philippe Pierre, Newburgh business owner and real estate developer

  • Vincent Cianni, Photographer and Founder of the Newburgh Community Photo Project

  • Rae Leiner, Director of the Newburgh Empire State Poverty Reduction Initiative

  • Geremy Oustacher, Audio/Visual artist

  • Alysia Mazzella, Community-based artist and artisan

  • Anusha Mehar, Multi-disciplinary artists and solar energy consultant

  • Phoenix Gayle, Community acitivist and woman of trans-experience

Audio from the discussion was recorded by Emily Pontecorvo, and serves as both a document of and an intervention in the ongoing development of place and culture in Newburgh.

The six hour conversation entered topics that revealed deeply personal stories and juxtaposed typically isolated perspectives. The recording will be edited down to five 10-minute thematic segments, each of which will then be animated. The final short audio-visual animations will be used to prompt further dialogue around the opportunities and challenges facing people in Newburgh today.

We are also seeking to create a one-hour play with Newburgh high school students in the style of documentary theater, putting the various voices in the recordings in conversation with one another. The process of rehearsing and performing the recordings as community theater with local high school students will enable youth to engage deeply and critically with the mindsets of their neighbors. Also, watching students perform this way will defamiliarize community issues for audience members, thereby opening space for new dialogue around common challenges.

About Best Praxis

Best Praxis is a family-based art collective that creates art and performance through intimate encounters, adaptive reuse, and place-making. Our work aims to blend public and domestic spaces and flip the artist/audience relationship, so that the artist becomes the active listener, the observer.


Instituent Practices: Art After (Public) Institutions


Land and Time